Knitting for Friends

This winter I am a lot into knitting and doing hand crafted things. Stay tuned for more posts about knit items I made for my friends. I always include the free patterns, too!

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Blogosphere and GFC Changes

Hello to all my dear readers! I found it strange that for several months I had no GFC follower, so I started doing some research. During holiday I had a bit more time to read about blogging and I was preparing another giveaway when I suddenly realized that GFC has been discontinued this spring. So this just made me aware of how important it is to keep up with news. Some blogs had massive GFC readership which was built up with lots of efforts. Everyone has to adapt to changes and also try to preview the upcoming shifts. There has also been a communication problem here from Google's side, because I don't remember getting any notification about this change coming...maybe it went to my spam or was written in the usual official format nobody really reads. Instead I would have used some sort of warning in the widget itself, or something similar.

But back to Beauty and Aikido,  I am not sure if my friends from GFC can see my posts any more and I am still working on ways to transfer you guys to some other platform, Goolge + or Facebook. This is rather troublesome, so I still need to do some research. You can also sign up for the free newsletter that I have or follow me in Google Reader via the RSS feed which has fortunately not been touched.

So in fact this is an invitation for everyone reading this post and who has been following only through GFC to join me on the following links:

If you know any way I can mass export my GFC friends, please let me know in a comment. Would love to hear from other bloggers about the way they bridged this change!

47 Votes


Saturday, December 22, 2012


-A guest post by Anne Marie from AIKI TREND 

Aiki Trend was launched in 2010 by Aikido lovers who admire the beauty of the art of Aikido. Aiki Trend wants to transmit this beauty in an innovative but classy way, offering our fellow Aikidoka an elegant way to express their passion for this art. Aiki Trends' objective is to transmit beauty within the refinement of its pieces. Our pieces are generally inspired by the movements of circularity which are a fundamental part of this fascinating art. Aiki Trend's jewelry is inspired in the basic concepts of Aikido: an art that promotes peace, love and harmony. It is made with top of the quality Peruvian silver in 925/950 purity. Aiki Trend has just launched its new collection, with many new products lined up for you this coming year 2013. Please come and visit our page @ this holiday season!

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Travel Boots

These boots are made for travel, so that's just what they'll do! :) Yep. I bought some travel boots now before Christmas. I will be travelling a lot visiting my parents and then also spending the New Year's Eve in another town. So I will be travelling a lot. And there is nothing I hate more then having cold feet, so this was the perfect solution. These comfy sporty Fila boots will accompany me on the road. Here are some pictures for you to get an idea of what they look like.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

4th Kyu Preparation - Salami Slice Approach IV


I cannot estimate any more when I will be taking this exam unfortunately. It has happened that I did not attend the winter training camp from various reasons. Then I just received a mail that in the next camp, only those can take an exam who have participated on the winter camp, so there go my hopes out the window. But the salami slice approach continues.

The topic of this post will be kote gaeshi. For the 4th kyu exam you have to execute it from aihanmi katatedori, katatedori, shomenuchi and yokomenuchi. However I am pretty sure that our Sensei will be asking for kotegaeshis executed from a number of other attacks, too. What we did this week we paired up in groups of three and ukes could attack the way they wanted. Tori had to execute techniques, as always it had to be nage waza and not osae waza, that is you had to perform a throw and not a pin. I did not do well with the shoulder and elbow grabs, so I need to practice that. Not too many videos found on elbow and shoulder grabs, so I will just have to stick with my training and pay more attention.

 Let's see how Monsieur Tissier does it from aihanmi katatedori.

And some footage from one of our summer camps:

Thanks for reading this post and stay tuned for some more. The winter holidays are approaching which sort of slowed down my posting pace, but there will be some more posts. I will not be doing any Christmas giveaway, but stay tuned for the 2 year anniversary of my blog in January. I am already planning something for you guys!!! To make sure you will be notified, become a follower of this blog by joining the GFC community on the left hand side. 

Don't forget to follow me for training notes on Tumblr. I post training notes at least twice a week!

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Coco Fashion


I am looking at the moment for online shops that have cute Asian fashion and I found a lot of cute stuff on I can already picture myself in this cute fluffy pullover fro the winter. AWWW so cute! Paired with some nice black leggings and boots it is a really comfy and cute wear. And it also has that lovely lace detail at the bottom. I was browsing for a lot of other stuff, they even have Rilakkuma sports suits with hoodies. A must have! I put a banner on the left hand side you can click on it to check out their clothes. Will let you know in a subsequent post if I end up ordering something from them. 

Training Notes

Beauty and Aikido ©

Hi Everyone!

I would just like to invite you over to my other blog where I write training notes. There you can find details about techniques, the training plan I am following, etc. You can also ask me questions and I also post a lot of beauty and aikido related pictures there. So head here and have fun!

Make sure to follow me there, too!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Hair Extensions: Yes or No?

Love this youtuber's video about hair extensions. It pretty much makes me want to get some also. What are your experiences with hair extensions? Is it messy to have them and wear them? I would only wear them at parties of occasions. Still need to check the best places where you can get natural looking extensions. If you have any tips just let me know in a comment! I was considering online purchase but you never know if it matches your actual natural hair color. 

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Interview with Shoji Seki Shihan

-guest post from Conexao Aikido

Shoji Seki Shihan was interviewed in September 2011, during the seminar organized by the South American Aikido Confederation, Brazil.
This translation was done by Anne Marie Crisanto-Ruschel, instructor and student at Senshin Dojo – Campinas, Brazil.

Special thanks to Anne Marie for helping us translate this interview into English; now we can share Seki Shihan’s views and thoughts with more individuals from the Aikido community.

Shoji Seki Shihan

Sensei what compelled you to train Aikido?

I saw an Aikido demonstration while I was at the university. It was the university group that gave this demonstration (*) aikido-bu-no. That is where my interest came from.

Could you tell us something about the time when you were an uchi deshi? 

There was nothing special or uncommon about it, only that we trained all day.

Sensei, which Aikido instructors influenced your practice the most?

Once at Hombu Dojo, I was greatly influenced by the second Doshu, Kisshomaru Ueshiba and Osawa father, Kisaburo Osawa Sensei.

As a second dan you already started to teach at Hombu Dojo. From then on until now, how do you feel about the practice? Have you noticed any major changes in the Aikido practice today?

I am not consciously aware of what changed, but I believe, that with time and practice it must have slowly changed.

What do you consider to be the most important factor of an uchi deshi’s practice?

Yaru ki, sorekara tairyoku.
Yaru ki = to be motivated | Tairyoku = perseverance, drive

What is Hombu Dojo’s role in the development of Aikido worldwide?

I cannot answer to that…

Is there anything specific you emphasize on in your seminars?

I try to demonstrate what I consider to be important. I try to offer what I think to be the best for all of us.

Generally speaking, what do you consider to be the most important part of Aikido practice?

To be diligent and conscientious in one’s practice and regard Aikido as something valuable and important.

During the seminars you have performed around the world, which would be the major differences between the eastern and western practitioners, or if this difference exists?

There are no differences.

What does Budo mean to you?

I don’t know (laughs).

Talking about nature’s principles, people mention ki a lot and energy flow. Could you give us an insight regarding ki and energy flow during Aikido practice?

I have no consciousness about ki or energy flow. I have never had this awareness nor perception. Otherwise, I have always believed that one learns something training eagerly.

How do you see the development of the practitioners here in Brazil since your first visit 7 years ago?

I can see that people are training intensely here. That is good, to be working with dedication and making an effort in practice. As I said before, one has to give importance and value to Aikido and train in a devoted manner, in that way everyone will continue to evolve and have “good” Aikido.

Domo arigato Sensei

Marcelo do Nascimento, Shoji Seki, Shihan,
Elena de Carvalho Stellfeld, International Seminar of Aikido, 2011 (SP)

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Young Designers - ChenZ Designs

- guest post by Chen Zucker


I have handcrafted items as a hobby since I was a teenager, but now that my children are grown I have more time for myself. So I started thinking how I could make the hobby I enjoy so much into a profession. Like in many other stories, it all began when I made jewels with charms for myself, and my friends were eager to have some as well.  At first I gave them the jewels I created as presents and was very glad just to see them worn. After that, my friends asked me to make some more for their friends and it became a professional occupation. Now days, I sell my fashion jewelry through my company: 'ChenZ Designs', but I always stick to the main rule I decided on right from the beginning – not to make too many jewels from same design but always to think about innovations – something new and creative. I always afresh and renew my shop with new jewels.

 I believe that the small things around us, makes us happy. To see a new flower in my garden, to have a coffee with a friend, to get out from the house in the morning and to see the sun, etc. If we can appreciate all these small things in our world, we become better persons.
So, I love to have my first coffee in the morning near my flowers in my garden,  and think about the things I have to do that day.

A sunny day fills me with joy and the energy to take some photos of new jewels I've made, a wintry, wet day sends me to my seat in my studio to create new jewels while listening to the music I love.

I believe that all women want to look good and be well-groomed. I decided right from the beginning that my jewels won't be expensive so that everyone who likes them can afford to buy a bracelet or a necklace. This is the main reason why I use silver-plated and gold-plated charms. But in order to give my jewels a unique look, I use high-quality genuine leather cords in many colors, which also allows me to give my jewels a colorful and vibrant look.


I always try to make a varied collection. Some jewels are delicate and feminine while others have a strong presence which says: "here I am". I believe that jewelry has to be multi-functional, but with a special wink, so my jewels can be used with casual wear as well as with an elegant dress. I sell my jewelry to boutiques worldwide, keeping a personal service and communication with my customers.


Chen Zucker is the designer and founder of ChenZ Designs - handmade fashion jewelry company who sells worldwide to fashion boutiques.

The collections are made with very high-quality materials including leather, Swarovski Crystals, and metals plated with sterling silver and 24-karat gold.

ChenZ Designs are statement pieces, created for those who not only care about the look of their designs, but also appreciate the meaning behind them. ChenZ Designs strives to be an affordable line for everyone from the statement-makers to those looking for an accessory representative of who they are. Come have a look!


Sunday, October 28, 2012

Interview with Sharon Dominguez

Source: Sharon's Private Pictures

1. You studied natural medicine (Inochemy, Life Medicine, Medicine of Ki, Taoist Tian Der healing). Could you tell us more about the principles you were studying? Are you practicing any still?

Wow, you do your homework. I have a practice in natural medicine called Kototama Life Medicine founded by Masahilo M Nakazono.  I see patients who come for all sorts of imbalances of the body, mind, and spirit.  My goal is to help people balance themselves. Good health is true happiness. I was initially trained as an acupuncturist, but these days, I almost never use needles, unless I deem necessary. I use my hands, rice grains, meditations, exercises, coach lifestyle changes, supplementation, diet, etc. The principles are based on the laws of nature as pertained to the Kototama, the sounds that make up the total existence of life. It is an esoteric, highly specialized form of Eastern Medicine which is one of the powerful, yet subtle methods I have ever come across.  I treat everything for structural, internal or behavioral, whatever the sickness, it can't hurt.

 2.  Please tell us about the principles Ki Element Therapy which you are a founder of.
Ki Element Therapy is the synthesis between the principles of Eastern Medicine and putting the body in physiological alignment through directing the flow of energy. By bringing the body into proper alignment, it optimizes the body's capabilities to create and thrive. In conjunction with Kototama Life Medicine, it allows the body to heal and enhance one's full expression of life.
Source: Sharon's Private Pictures

3. Do you have any remarkable story on your path of getting godan and how do you see the future of this path?
 I have too many remarkable stories to recount. I have experienced wondrous and other-worldly phenomena. I've been blessed. That would be a post onto itself.  Miracles aside, I feel as though one of the greatest stories of aikido in general is the friends and connections I made worldwide. There are people I love all around the world thanks to being a student at the NY Aikikai and traveling with the senseis. It is an international passport. Have hakama, will travel. I would be remiss if I didn't mention that probably the most remarkable story would be meeting my husband of 13 years through aikido. Knowing me, that is a minor miracle! I also met my best friend at the NY Aikikai over 26 years ago. 

4.    Ever considered quitting aikido?
 Never! It's been a long one-sided love affair, where I need the art, but aikido doesn't necessarily need me. I trained through two pregnancies, injuries, pain, and heartbreak. I've done foolish things in my youth, including training with my knee so swollen that my friends had to walk me to the mat and I let adrenalin take over. I once took an entire class with a dislocated toe, not even realizing until Donovan popped back in. I've had flus, colds, migraines, hangovers, you name it. Quitting Aikido would be like taking away oxygen. It is also my tool to counteract my a-holish tendencies. I guess you can say it neutralizes my demons and elevates my life-giving properties. I guess one day when I am ancient and they are wheeling me onto the mat, I will have to rethink my position. 
Source: Sharon's Private Pictures

5.    Do you practice any kind of meditation? If yes what type of meditation?
Since I was a kid who came across a flyer of Swami Muktananda in 3rd grade, I've been drawn to meditation. I have practiced so many types of meditation from different religions, styles and philosophies from Kototama sounds to Kabbalah to Sufism. I've embarked on a spiritual quest now for almost 40 years. In the end, I sit, nothing formal.  I still do Yi Chuan from time to time. I also consider my aikido study to be meditation in movement. I am mindful of the moment as often as my consciousness allows it. There is always room for improvement. Conscious contact is a goal.

6.    What other martial arts have you tried?
 I studied and taught Yi Chuan since 1996. It is a profound art based largely on meditative postures. My sifu, Jesse Quinones also encompassed tai chi, shaolin, qi gong, wing chun and bagua into his teaching methods. These days, I practice on my own, but not as regularly as I used to. Sifu doesn't teach anymore, but he coaches me from the sidelines aka phone conversations. I see him from time to time. 

7.     What does teaching aikido mean to you?
Teaching aikido Is important to me for a multitude of reasons. Firstly and selfishly, it is an opportunity for me to access and articulate ideas about energy, technique, even metaphors for life. I elevate my consciousness, get out of my comfort zone, take risks, be generous.  I have become keen watching other people's training; their awareness, their approach. If I could alter or enhance the process of just one person per class, I am ahead of the game.  It is also a way for me to give back all the knowledge I acquired through my years with the senseis and my collective training experience. It is a source for inspiration.  Developmentally, the synthesis between training and teaching has been the most valuable tool for my own process. I think I get more from the energy in the room than they get from me
Source: Sharon's Private Pictures

8. You are a writer. What do you write about? Can you please mention the titles of some of your works?
I am half-way through a young adult adventure, fantasy romp. It has been so satisfying to create this way!  That and my wedding ceremonies is the most fun I've had in years. My previous writing was as a ghost writer for Nakazono's book on natural therapy for professionals. He had a way of making technical information trippy. I also wrote Yamada Sensei's articles for Black Belt magazine in both English and Spanish. Dry stuff, really. But, I always enjoyed Yamada Sensei's take on things. He doesn't like to reveal his metaphysical side, to say the least, but that doesn't mean he doesn't have one. I also write my wedding ceremonies from scratch and personalize it for each couple. Obviously, the same goes for funerals and eulogies.

9.    Do you blog also? If yes about what and where?
 I blog at NY Ceremonials. I muse about love and life, baseball. I tweet @shadoknows when I remember to. 

10. You mentioned you worked for a prominent jewelry line. What is its name and are you still working there?
The name of the business is David Webb. It is a high end manufacturing and retail operation. My mother was David Webb's partner and luckily I apprenticed there as a designer when I was 16-18. Got hired in my 20s. I became a stone specialist and the design and marketing director. The business was sold two years ago and I moved on and never looked back. 

Source: Sharon's Private Pictures
11. People in important positions have to work a lot of overtime. How did you manage to combine work life and aikido practice?
That's the age old question. Time management. I won't lie, sacrifices were made. There was a time when I was single that I traveled for Aikido almost constantly and when I wasn't, I was at the dojo training. I was in love with the art, the senseis, my friends. We had an active social community at NY Aikikai and I spent many a day and night partaking of it. I never slept. Ultimately, it was not sustainable and I had to make some difficult decisions about prioritizing my career and putting the fantasy of Aikido in its proper perspective especially since I was not about to become a professional as I once thought I might. Now, as a wife, mother, writer, minister, healthcare practitioner, aikido has a more balanced place in my life. No more dojo rat! I'm an elder statesman now. Lol. I train, I teach, I go home. 

12. What motivates you to keep training? Do you have any goals set?
 I get blue when I don't train regularly. As I said before, the daily practice neutralizes and tames my dark side. It's the analgesic that rids me of life's pain. Just ask my loved ones. It is the antidote to my reactive nature, learning to apply principles which would improve the quality of my daily life. Aikido is one of the only things I have stuck with and stayed loyal to. I haven't needed to motivate myself per se. Of course, I know that the fact that this is an ongoing study, mastery is a long, persistent path. I still have so much to learn. You can really stick your teeth into such a substantial study. Budo be it.  Sugano Sensei used to say that it is not quantity of practice, but quality.  As long as I want to transform and awaken myself, which I still do, Aikido is going to be my chosen tool. Oh, and I get to burn calories,see friends, rid myself of the desire to harm, harmonize. No goals, just practice whenever I can and strive to improve my understanding of the art and my conscious contact with all that is. Oh and kick some butt while you're at it. 

13. What would you advise to people who have just started aikido?
For newbies, give it three months before you can even see what is happening. Avoid the feeling of frustration. Aim high, but don't expect. It will only impede your progress. This is a looooong practice that time and sincerity of self-rewards you with freedom from self and ego. It gives you gifts of accomplishments and miracles to boot. It can change your life if you let it. Be patient and always self-correct.  Listen to teachers who take the time to show you, following those who have what you want. Be open. Learn from everyone. Know that a challenging practice is often the foothills of change. Try to keep the focus on yourself and strive not to change or judge others and their process unless they are harming you. Walk away from a nasty exchange, from danger. That is a form of neutralizing. Who needs it? Be humble. Let go of pride. Mostly, have fun, train with good spirit; respect those above and below you equally. In the beginning, focus on ukemi. It is the best vehicle for understanding the art. Don't be an asshole. Don't beat yourself up, or others. There will be hard days when you can't tell your right foot from your left. And remember, how often do you get to play in an adult playground, fly through the air, roll about? Oh, and when you get your second gi, you will know you are hooked. 
Source: Sharon's Private Pictures

14. What do you think about gender in aikido? Does it make any difference in technique and mindset?
Ah, the gender card! About 20-something years ago, I asked Jane Ozeki, the senior female student at the NY Aikikai how she approached gender issues. She said she never went there. She just trained. That approach resonates with me. I don't like the term "women seminars" when women are teaching. I worked to put fear in its place, challenging myself to take what's given to me, to protect myself by being proficient. Men might not understand that vulnerability and what we, as women have to deal with. Harmonizing with aggression is a tough one, a real lesson in challenging your comfort zone. When I came up, NY Aikikai was a tough place. I was taking a beating. We were young and I felt ferocious. Fear was a default setting and rising above it, the aim. It paid off.  Now that I am older, my ukemi no longer at its peak, I let go of that, looked for something more profound.  I just want to train, teach, do my best within the confines of my limitations because we all, men, women alike have to overcome something. That said, is there gender bias? Of course. But, it's systemic to the planet, not just aikido. Why engage? I might get angered but I don't act on it...unless I step it up a notch or two. However, the women teaching at the NY Aikikai are NOT tokens. They are formidable artists, better than most. They are sincere students with incredibly high standards. As for the female mindset, I suppose we are called upon to deepen our understanding of the principles in order to have any success. Perhaps it makes some women's practice more nuanced and substantial. Sugano Sensei used to joke that the little women were the best. We certainly can't power our way through, although I certainly tried. Now, I resort to trickery.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Eyeliner Look and Cute Earrings

Beauty and Aikido ©

This is just a random post about an eyeliner look I am trying out and want to perfect until the yearly Christmas Party or company is always organizing. Been through all the possible phases: Eyeliner+nude lips, eyeliner+red lips and now I am at the porcelain doll imitation look which is really appealing eyeliner+nude lips with a dash of red in the middle. I also have my dress already...I think. I won't disclose any pictures of that, yet, so you need to stay tuned until Christmas if interested. I was looking for a little black dress that would put into evidence my neck and shoulders. I pretty much found something, but am not yet sure if it is the one. Might still be looking for other dresses. I also bought some cute and interesting earrings.

Beauty and Aikido ©

Never had one of those magnet earrings. Now I wore them for a couple of hours but they are really painful and the ear cuff is really uncomfy also. Well yeah...I guess I am making too much of a fuss about it, but I hate having uncomfortable clothes or jewelry. But this cute ice-cream earring is much easier to wear.

Beauty and Aikido ©

Stay tuned, because as announced, I will be posting the interview with Sharon Dminguez really soon. Until then go check out the bio she herself has composed for Beauty and Aikido. Also for my daily aikdo training notes, please head to my Tumblr. I have made a habit of putting down some notes after each training and a lot of people really like these notes. Hope you will like them also!

Saturday, October 13, 2012

4th Kyu Preparation - Salami Slice Approach III

I did not take an exam on the summer training camp as I was not yet too well prepared. Sensei asked me yesterday if I was to take the exam on the winter training camp. Well to be honest, I have no idea if I should go ahead and shoot for 4th kyu next month already... But to be on the safe side, I am continuing the series of posts with the salami slice approach. Please become the follower of my blog if you are interested in the updates about my preparation for the 4th kyu exam by hitting Join this site in GFC on the left.

Today on our plate the slightly confusing names of three different techniques: Uchi Kaiten Nage, Soto Kaiten Nage, Ude Kime Nage. This post will help me and you guys to better understand how the techniques function.

Uchi Kaiten Nage is when you step inside and turn underneath the arm of the uke. Let us watch this execution in the video and fix this techniques. You also might want to try exercising with your mind's eye to fix both the movement and the name of the technique. The best in that is in your mind you can basically practice anywhere: during a break at work, on the bus, while waiting in a line, etc.

Soto Kaiten Nage is similar, but notice the step on the side and the cutting from the outside. You are not splicing underneath the arm of the opponent but you just turn your hand over the uke's wrist and then execute the trow.

Ude Kime Nage is an arm lock trow that I also need to know well for the 4th kyu. As it ends with Nage it is a bit confusing and I felt like it had some sort of connection with the Kaiten Nage family so I included it here in this post. Still need to practice basic tenkan, weapon katas and gain more confidence before I can actually pass this exam.

Stay tuned for the remaining salami slices. To get to the firs post from this series and find out what I mean by the salami slice go here. To see the second slice click here.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

OOTD Video

I started doing some videos again. I actually have a nail polish and day cream review coming up for which I have the raw material already and which I will have to format. Until then hang on with me for another edition of the OOTD. I have a great number of red clothing items at the moment as people have been complementing me a lot when I am wearing I just went ahead and paired the striped tee with a cute skirt and vintage masculine looking shoes. Hope you like the result!

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Women in Aikido: Sharon Dominguez

-by Sharon Dominguez

Source: Sharon's Private Pictures

I am a born and bred New Yorker, a rare breed indeed. I met Masahilo M Nakazono in August, 1984. He was a Kototama Sensei, a Doctor of Eastern Medicine and former Aikido Sensei, having studied under O'Sensei. He was teaching a seminar on the Kototama and the principles of natural medicine. I knew immediately that he was my teacher and this was the path I wanted to travel.  In 1985, I started to formally study natural medicine as a profession from Nakazono Sensei and his son, Jei. It was then that I was introduced to Aikido. We worked with boken and jo. We also routinely practiced the basics; ikkyo through yonkyo, kotegaeshi and iriminage. We also practiced rolling. In 1988, I joined the New York Aikikai. In early 1991, I became the official driver of Yamada Sensei, Sugano Sensei and Donovan Waite. I traveled with them extensively for 10 years. I continued to travel with Sugano Sensei up until a year before he died. I was also Yamada Sensei's personal secretary for 10 years. I am a member of the board of the NY Aikikai. I taught at NYU from 1996-2000. I am currently teaching at the New York Aikikai and Aikido of Park Slope. I hold the rank of Godan. The last seminar I taught at was in San Francisco with Christian Tissier, Bruce Bookman, Jimmy Friedman and Claire Keller. 

I have a practice in Kototama Life Medicine, I'm a writer, and I am also a non-denominational minister who performs weddings and other important rituals. I am married to Javier, a san-dan who I met in Aikido in 1998 when he was visiting from Peru.  We have two kids: Mateo, 12 and Mirei, 10. Mirei does Aikido, Mateo wants to be ballet dancer. I am also the former design director of a prominent precious jewelry line, having been in fashion since I was a teenager. I feel very fortunate to have had unprecedented access to the Senseis. I am forever grateful for all that they taught me and it is my hope that I can share their knowledge and understanding to as many people as possible.

Thank you so much Sharon for the biography that you shared with us. My lovely followers, please stay tuned for the interview with Sharon Dominguez!

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Popular on YouTube

The mail I always wanted to get from YouTube! Will motivate me to upload more beauty and aikido related videos! My reason behind doing videos is to make this blog even more interesting and informative for you guys. So if you have any preference of videos you would like to see from me just drop me a line here or on my e-mail.

Comment if you are as happy as me to hear this!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012


When I first saw this abbreviation I was like: huh?? What?? But then I realized it meant Outfit Of The Day, calmed down, and started browsing. Be it videos, pictures, this that, one can find a lot of inspiration in these posts. So I checked out quite some on Facebook, YouTube and so on. But now another thing appeared on the web, where people share their looks, so I decided to join and do that also. One of my favorite youtubers who doesn't make videos anymore, namely fuzkittie has prepared this great platform where girls can share their girly stuff and hang out in heaven. So I am hanging out around there also, posting some of my outfits. Hope you like them and find some inspiration in them for putting together your own ones! In the meanwhile I am intensively concentrating on aikido and persevering with the salami slice approach. Click here to read more.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

4th Kyu Preparation - Salami Slice Approach II

As Irimi Nage is a topic in itself, and as I have realized that techniques can be executed in so many ways, I decided to dedicate a whole post to irimi nage in some variations. I am also feeling my mind let go of one single universally correct pattern and opening up to letting my body learn the movements...finally. Will practice this in the dojo this week.

irimi nage / omote – ura

Love the way this Sensei is explaining

Last but not least some footage from out dojo's 2011 summer camp evening rehearsals before the kyu exam

The Voice of Aikido


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