The Warrior's Path

A great course about budo and the history of martial arts held at Dharma Gate Buddhist College in Budapest. The presenters were Szabó Balázs, Szemerei Márton and Abe Tetsushi Sensei.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Knitting for Friends - Hiro, the Seed Stitch Cowl and Mt. Fuji

Hi Everyone!

Back with the Knitting for Friends series. This time my knitting traveled all the way to Japan! A friend of mine was travelling to China and Japan and I asked her to pass on this little surprise to Hiro. In fact this friend of mine who was delivering the gift will also feature soon on my blog wearing another knit item that I made specially for her.

So here is Hiro, wearing the cowl I made. If you liked the cowl, you can find the free pattern here.

Hiroshi Imase ©

A few fun facts about Hiro and some of his pictures

He is a teacher and feelosopher. In case you wonder what the letter is, the way he likes to put it the following: making a difference in kids' life by awakening their excellence. He is also a great photographer, so I decided I would share a few of his other pictures with you!

Sit back and relax. The first one has become the wallpaper on my phone because I loved it so much, then I realized it also has a calming effect on me. The light play and the whole picture is gorgeous.

Hiroshi Imase ©
 This one is also really neat. Awesome winter feeling!

Hiroshi Imase ©

I think this is a great way to wrap up 2013. I want to wish a Merry Christmas  to everyone! And a Happy New Year! Will be writing some more next year and as usual I will have a giveaway in mid January for the blog birthday. Next year will be special because I want to offer some knit items to you guys who will be joining the giveaway. I will post some patterns and then I will start a voting so you guys can decide what would make the best gift for the giveaway. See you next year!!!
47 Votes


Thursday, December 12, 2013

Presenting Aikido Dojos - Aikido Dillingen

Aikido Dillingen ©

-Guest Post by Marcus

The Aikido division of the Budo club Dillingen e.V. is practicing Aikido accordingly to the principles and techniques of Nishio Sensei. The training courses are led by Kazuo Sato (4. Dan Aikido and 3. Dan Toho). Kazuo Sato met Nishio Sensei already in 1993 and was supporting him as translator during one of his seminars in Saarbrücken. Since 1999 Shishiya Sensei is the official representative and follower of Nishio Sensei in Germany. Shishiya was already well established and popular as assistant of Nishio Sensei, today he is continuing whose work and ideas. For the further establishment of the evolved principles of Nishio Sensei in Germany, Kazuo Sato founded in 2001 on recommendation of Nishio Sensei his own federation: the “Deutsche Aikido Renmei e.V.”. Therefore, Aikido dojo Dillingen became headquarter of the federation. Since the death of Nishio Sensei in 2005, Shishiya Sensei is visiting Germany and our dojo frequently to perform Aikido seminars and to teach the style of Nishio Sensei.

Aikido Dillingen ©

Shishiya Sensei demonstrates in his seminars the close relationship between the sword- and stick-techniques and the “empty-handed” forms of Aikido. Furthermore he is teaching Toho, which is a special form of Iaido developed by Nishio Sensei. The movements in Aikido also pointed-out by practicing the ´ken non tebiki´ or ´jo no tebiki´ forms (“ken and jo guide the movement”). Shishiya Sensei is paying a special attention to the attitude of the mind of Tori and advices consistently that Aikido is a forgiving martial art (“Yurusu Budo”, after the book of Nishio Sensei and Shishiya Sensei). Shishiya Sensei is also doing the next consequent step and modifies some of the Aikido techniques, e.g. Nikyo, Sankyo or Shiho nage, that these are free of pain for Uke, but showing the same efficiency. Even some of the sword techniques had been developed further in a way, that Uke is spared during his attack and gets several chances to think over his acting and to give up before hurting him. The sword is used only to control the movements of an aggressor, but not to hurt or kill him.

Shishiya Sensei is consequently following and developing further the leading thought of Toho of the “Sword, which is not for killing but to save lives.”

For the previous episode of presenting Aikido Dojos please head to Aikido in Oberhausen and New Orleans.
If you want your dojo to feature on Beauty and Aikido please leave a comment or drop me an e-mail.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Knitting for Friends - The Headband and the Rose

Hi Everyone!

This winter I have been taking care of my skin in a professional way and went monthly to a cosmetician. Also I stopped buying and trying creams because I get some natural products from the cosmetician. Planning to write a longer post about those products and the treatment I am getting because it totally changed my skin for the better. 

So this winter will not be about product reviews but about knitting and other hand crafted goodies. I am also planning to create something handmade for the yearly BLOG BIRTHDAY GIVEAWAY that will happen in January as usual, so stay tuned!!!

Now here is one of the creations I finished not long ago for a dear friend. She asked for the headband but told me she would love to have a knit rose also. Given the color of  the yarn, I was able to create a cute rose for her as a surprise. The creation will reach her today. Hope she will like it.

If you also liked it and would like to make a similar headband, you can find the pattern here.

Current knitting project: Infinity Scarf for a dear friend.
Future knitting projects: Gloves, something special for the giveaway, another scarf

I also made some glass jewelry the past weekend. I had loads of fun!Will post them only after Christmas because I intend to give some of the jewelry as Christmas presents to family and friends.

Happy knitting!

The Voice of Aikido


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