The Warrior's Path

A great course about budo and the history of martial arts held at Dharma Gate Buddhist College in Budapest. The presenters were Szabó Balázs, Szemerei Márton and Abe Tetsushi Sensei.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

GIVEAWAY! Three Years of Beauty and Aikido [CLOSED]

Beauty and Aikido ©

YAAAY! Another year, another GIVEAWAY! Thanks for following me so far. This year I want to offer a special hand made item to one of my lucky readers. I will be knitting the cowl you voted for on the poll. It will be a full cowl, I am starting right now as I am posting this. The bubble pattern that you picked through the poll voting refers back to the circle symbol from aikido. The other item I am offering is a skin care one. It is a black soap that I am using on a daily basis from the famous Hungarian brand of natural products called Ilcsi. I like this brand a lot because it uses only natural ingredients and makes your skin wonderful. The third item is a book. Because for me and I am sure that for the readers also, aikido is not only a path to train your body, but also for training your mind. So I am offering this book in the hope that it will help the winner in his/her spiritual path also. I cannot wait to see who gets to be the winner! Hope you will have fun joining!

Please make sure to perform all FOUR mandatory steps in order to qualify as a winnder! THANKS! <3

a Rafflecopter giveaway
47 Votes


Sunday, January 12, 2014

Three Years of Beauty and Aikido - Blog Giveaway!

Dear Readers,

I started writing this blog when I turned 25. Three years have past since and now as every year, I will have a giveaway for you guys. Through the giveaway I want to thank everyone who has been my reader and welcome all the people who are joining the Beauty and Aikido adventure only this year. I was thinking of making it special this year and offering you a knit item that I am creating for you. I will be adding other surprise items to the package, also. Stay tuned to find out more about this year's GIVEAWAY!

For now here is the poll I would like you guys to answer:

And the winner is the Budding Infinity Scarf Pattern!

The Warrior's Path - Course End Conclusions

Beauty and Aikido ©

When I started the course, I wanted to do a post every week about the topics discussed. In the end the material was so dense that I decided not to do that. However I have learned a lot and have assimilated a lot of information of which you will see future posts. This post is to thank all three remarkable teachers that helped us understand budo better. Szabó Balázs did a great job in talking about the history of aikido, going into great detail. Szemerey Márton approached the topic from a linguistic point of view and helped us understand some of the core martial arts concepts and technique names. Last but not least, Abe Tetsushi Sensei highlighted some of the most important budo terms and tried to convey to us some of the Japanese spirituality. All three presenters are really charismatic and great in the topics they presented. I really hope there will be a second part of this course. Now I am sitting down to finish up my paper which will be the evaluation of what I have learned on this course.

The Voice of Aikido


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