
Friday, May 6, 2011

The Voice of Aikido- Practicing Basic Technique: Training Mental Attitude and Vision

I decided to start another series of posts, entitled The Voice of Aikido. In this recording I am reading Chapter 2 from The Principles of Aikido by Mitsugi Saotome (1989 p.3-7)

The aim of this series is to share with you some of the theoretical teachings of aikido. The books are not my own but borrowed from the local Japanese library. I picked out excerpts that moved me most and that I find most interesting. I hope the excerpts will rise your interest and that those who practice aikido will try to perfect themselves by reading some of the literature on this martial art.

This Chapter is introducing a number of important principles of aikido. Towards the end, you will find out the Percepts for Practice to be Understood and Deeply Considered. These are some of the basic rules O'Sensei himself has put down as guidelines for those entering the dojo for the first time.

Don't forget to vote on the POLL in the sidebar!!! You have got 4 more days left! 

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