
Thursday, November 22, 2012

Training Notes

Beauty and Aikido ©

Hi Everyone!

I would just like to invite you over to my other blog where I write training notes. There you can find details about techniques, the training plan I am following, etc. You can also ask me questions and I also post a lot of beauty and aikido related pictures there. So head here and have fun!

Make sure to follow me there, too!


  1. Hola Silvia éste camino que has iniciado es el mas bello que existe como te gusta el tema de la belleza has sabido elegir muy bien.
    Un saludo.
    Samurai Spain

  2. Thanks for the comment Samurai Spain! I don't really speak Spanish, but I guess you were complimenting my initiative so thanks for that!

  3. Nice picture! I already follow you on Tumblr. (:

  4. Thanks! I am really happy that you are following me on twitter. That is great! :)


Thanks for taking time to read my blog and that you are considering to comment. I make sure to read and reply to each and every comment you leave! ^.^y