Saturday, November 12, 2011

Weekend Discounts with JOY Magazine

JOY Magazine arranged a lot of discounts its readers this weekend. November 11-12-13 are the JOY DAYS in Hungary. In this blog post I am presenting you my bargains. I shopped at HUMANIC and Müller for things I really needed and am proud of myself for not going over the top with the shopping craze.

I bought some comfy brown boots and a brown bag that fits to well with it. In the end the price of the two was lower than the price of the boots themselves would have been. Loved that 25% discount!!!! YAY!
In Müller, which is a German drugstore that extended to Hungary also, I bought the Neutrogena cream and the fluffy socks. Here's a close up.

Love those fluffy socks. I am wearing them right now as I write the blog post. The black bow kept the three pair of socks together, but I used it to accessorize :P

What did you buy on the Joy Days? Do you like hunting for discounts and coupons?

47 Votes



  1. Hú, ezek a zoknik fantasztikusak, nem is láttam őket! Nagyon szuper az angolod, remélem nem baj, hogy magyarul válaszolok. Örülök, hogy jártál nálam! Heni (a BeBuról)

  2. Szia Heni! Köszi a hozzászólást meg a like-ot is. Most esett le honnan ismerheted a Facebook oldalamat X)

  3. nice blog! following!

  4. Thanks, sparkly girl! Followed you back. Love those nail you created in there.

  5. I love fluffy socks! They're the best! xoxoxo


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