Sunday, February 17, 2013

Winners of the GIVEAWAY!

Beauty and Aikido ©
Hoodie from Coco Fashion

Hi Guys! I was so happy to announce the winners of the giveaway this weekend. 

The Beauty Prize went to Katherine Donovan
The Aikido Prize went to Nicole Lancaster

I already emailed the ladies and got back really quick replys. Your prizes will be mailed really first thing next week. The Beauty Prize will be mailed by me personally to Katherine Donovan as I was sponsoring that part of the giveaway. The Aikido Prize will be mailed by Anne Marie from Aiki Trend.

Katherine, Nicole, looking forward to getting a feedback from you on how you liked the prizes when you get them, maybe even pictures of you wearing them. Would be awesome!

I also want to share with the rest of you  guys that I am actively looking for sponsors for future giveaways, so you most probably won't have to wait another whole year for the blog anniversary to win something!

Have a fabulous weekend everyone!
47 Votes


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The Voice of Aikido


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