The Warrior's Path

A great course about budo and the history of martial arts held at Dharma Gate Buddhist College in Budapest. The presenters were Szabó Balázs, Szemerei Márton and Abe Tetsushi Sensei.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Kuribayashi Shihan Aikido Seminar March 2013

This was the first time that I participated at a big seminar with so many aikidoka attending. I loved the silence of the mokuso and the swift sound of the hakamas as we were doing the stretching and preparing for the techniques. There was a variety of styles and approaches that I could see. I had to adapt to each new person, take the fall, execute the technique, take the fall again, switch, listen, concentrate, understand... or at least try to better understand. It energized me a lot. Gave me new perspectives and a lot of motivation, too. I do want to get better. When you train with people who have been doing it for 10 or 15 years, you feel small, but you also feel motivated because you see that people can hang on and follow this path. I find that great. I also had the opportunity to be thrown once by Kuribayashi Sensei. He was concentrating for a few seconds when I took hold of him, I think he even closed his eyes, and then I flew in the air. There were many associations present from whole Hungary and also from abroad. However, the associations in Hungary need to be more united and there is still a lot of work to be done. I am hoping for a brighter future!
47 Votes


Thursday, March 7, 2013

Clothes Review - Coco Fashion

I was putting off this post because I wanted to give you guys fabulous picture quality on my renewed blog surface, and here it is. I went for a blog face lift and for a bright white background that will put more emphasis on the content of my blog. I hope you will love it too! 

Last year before Christmas I placed an order at Coco Fashion. I loved the styles I saw there because I am a big fan of Asian Fashion, so I went ahead and contacted them with the information that I am looking forward to write a post about them. They evaluated my blog really quickly and offered me a 30% discount on whatever I was about to purchase. So here is the list of the purchases I have made:

As you can see the prices are really good, and with the discount they got amazingly cheap. I was really happy with this, but in case you order from Coco Fashion you have to keep in mind that they do not ship for free. So there I was before placing my order, I saw the shipping fee...

I was like...ouch...Then I compared the to other online Asian fashion shops where shipping is free, and I ended up with the conclusion that their prices were higher and included probably the shipping costs. The prices of Coco Fashion seem lower, but do not include the shipping cost. In case you are as keep as researching and comparing as me, you may find it more convenient to order in the end from Coco Fashion, depending on how heavy your item is, because shipping is according to weight.

And now that we discussed the financial part, let me show you the actual items! :D

The Kuma sports suit that I love so much! It is the cutest thing ever and it suits me perfectly. It has also been featuring on my Giveaway because it is so cuuuutee!!!

Then comes my no. 2 fave, the furry hoodie! I got loads of compliments on them and I love it because it is warm and comfy! It is also one of the top selling items of Coco Fashion. I had a bit of a boboo with the inner zipper that got broken off the first day I was wearing it, but the outer one remained whole. I will have to get the inner zipper replaced, until then I used a paper clip to pimp my attire :P

Wohoo and now to the girly pink stuff!!!! Girly  puffy, fluffy, waaaaaaaaaaaa, I love it! And the lace detail is also beautiful, though on mine something went wrong. As you can see in the picture, one side is hanging and the other side is sewn up. But could be this is only the problem of this particular item. It dos not worry me too much, I am wearing it as it is.

I also ordered these pants for the cold days, because they are really thick and warm. However they are too short for me, so I will give them to my younger sister. The sewing here looks good in general, only one thread on the bottom was bothering me a bit, but it can be cut off.

And last but not least, a polka dot long blouse that I love. I wore it to a night out with some shiny leggings and everyone complimented me. They are unique and very feminine. Totally fulfilled my expectations. I added some close ups so you can see the extremely accurate work on it, the texture of the material and the good quality.

So in case you are interested to get some of these unique Asian Fashion items, head to Coco Fashion and pick your own style.

The Voice of Aikido


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