The Warrior's Path

A great course about budo and the history of martial arts held at Dharma Gate Buddhist College in Budapest. The presenters were Szabó Balázs, Szemerei Márton and Abe Tetsushi Sensei.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Aikido Communication Tip

- Guest post by Greet De Baets

Aikido Communication Tip 1 - What do you need in a conflict?

Love. Show love for humanity, for our universe: you will find the power to deal with conflicts. This love gives you a broader view and, hence, energy and confidence.

Love is an important value, even in aikido (a Japanese martial art). Ueshiba Morihei, the grandmaster of aikido, called aikido the martial art of love and not the martial art of violence. Love is the basis for peace and harmony. Only when the aikidoka's attitude is peaceful and nonviolent, the aikidoka can conquer and bring harmony to the situation.

This aikido wisdom is universal. Feel free to implement it in any conflict at the office, on the floor, at home, ...


Aikido Communication Tip 2 - Are you sometimes surprised about what is important in other cultures?

Are you surprised about what is important to the English, the Americans, the Dutch, the Germans, the French, ... Does it match with your ideas? Or not? 

Accept what is important to others. Show them that you take them seriously. And tell them respectfully that you see things differently. 

Consider: to accept ≠ to agree

Imagine the opposite: people from another culture take you seriously when something is obvious to you. They accept you, your ideas and your behaviour, even if they do not agree with you. A lovely perspective, isn't it?

The tatami link for the aikidoka: we take everything our uke does seriously. We accept every attack ≠ we do not agree with it.

If you liked these thoughts, please also visit Greet's website:  Greettraining

47 Votes


Tuesday, April 2, 2013

How to Get a Cute Hairdo - With Bangs

In this video, my friend Bella is doing my hair. The before and after are striking. It is damn hard to tame my wild hair. But she managed to do it. As we are good friends, I was at her place. We chatted a lot and we are planning to organize an all girls day, with many ladies. I could do nails, and maybe a bit of makeup she could do hairs. But we still need to find the people who would be interested in that and live in our area. So if you are and you leave in Budapest, please leave me a note!

She also has a blog:

You can check there loads of transformations and before and after photos. It is amazing how different one can look with a good haircut and some decent makeup. She also does hair extensions and all the such. So if you live in Budapest and want to get your hair done by her, just leave us a comment here or on her blog.

The Voice of Aikido


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