The Warrior's Path

A great course about budo and the history of martial arts held at Dharma Gate Buddhist College in Budapest. The presenters were Szabó Balázs, Szemerei Márton and Abe Tetsushi Sensei.

Friday, October 25, 2013

The Warrior's Path

I have been dreaming for a long time to get some theoretical knowledge of the history of martial arts. Half a year ago I found a whole study line and was seriously considering to apply for a 3 year BA program which was focusing on aikido and martial arts. But it has been discontinued. Then this opportunity came. I just saw a post that you can win a 2 month course about martial arts. All I had to do was answer to an easy question:

What is the literal meaning of Sensei?
Answer: "person born before another"

So I just hit the right answer submitted and a few days later, before going to bed, I was checking my e-mail with sleepy eyes. An e-mail came noticing me that I won one of the free admissions to the two month course. I was so happy, just jumping and singing!

So today I am soon heading to the third Seminar. So far we discussed a lot of the historical background and I am hoping we are soon getting to the martial arts part. The main teacher is Szabó Balázs whom I have presented to you in a previous post. I will be getting back with posts that sum up the contents of each course, so if you are interested please stay tuned!
47 Votes


Thursday, October 10, 2013

Japanese Days and Manga Self

I know that everyone is supposed to be their own self, but there is this Japanese chick inside of me that sometimes wants to come to the surface and be cute. So the best place for that is a Japanese cultural event, right. I was invited in the last August weekend to such an event. I had a lot of fun and tried out everything. In the big conference room there were movies, martial arts presentations, dancing and singing.

This is the makeup I was wearing for the day. I was using just tinted moisturizer by L'Oreal, NYC eyelash curler and the Maybelline Rocket mascara that I totally love. On top of that some 100% pure organic blush that I love. And that was it. Oh, and I bought a set of cute bow hairpins. Two of them resemble my ombred hair I think (you can see those on the table)

I listened to presentations and I also played karuta and ate some sushi. The guy at the sushi counter asked me whether I have ever eaten any sushi...then he looked at my tee and he smiled. I said I did eat... I really became keen on karuta also, so I bought a pack of them and started learning the poems called Hyakunin Isshu. Not that I understand a lot of it, but I can read Hiragana, so that helps a lot! So beware, some posts might come about karuta! I also bought a tatami on which I will be able to play it. So excited!!!

I also danced on one of those dancing video games. Then I got my manga portrait taken. It was a lot of fun! Do you think it resembles me? The portrait was done by Lainess. You can check her DevianArt profile here. I think she is quite talented.

The Voice of Aikido


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