
Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Inspiring Quotes- Gina Zarrilli

This is another post from the inspiring quotes cycle.

It is by Gina Zarilli Sensei. She started aikido in 1975 at New York Aikikai under Yamada Sensei. She received her Shodan in 1979 and has taught at New York Aikikai since then. She has also taught at major seminars and camps around the world.

The quote goes as follows:

"Train as hard as you can when you're young. Watch everyone around you, watch the men, watch the women. Find from everyone what it is that speaks to you, that touches you. What classes do you like the best and why? Who speaks the language that you can understand? Who moves in a way that feels good to you? Just watch everybody and everything. And then eventually find your own path--- and have a great time!"
--- Gina Zarrilli Sensei

One should never get tired of observing and trying, making errors and trying again. Even if from time to time you do get tired of it, it is human. You don't need to be concerned. It happens to me also and I am brave enough to admit it. I also shared it with you in this post. All that matters is for you to be able to flip back.
In addition I think I do follow the principle from Zarrilli Sensei's quoite. It is not always easy. I wish I were just able to focus on aikido so totally like Zarilli Sensei describes it in this interview. In her youth she had flexible jobs and in the daytime was training each and every day. That is an admirable degree of commitment and perseverance. As much as I would like it to be it is not applicable to me and my lifestyle. Reading the interview I sort of imagined the atmosphere the state of mind one can have when training so hard. Meeting the fellow aikidoka every day, building up a great relationship with them and developing yourself.
Aikido is a martial art, that is a process which you go through. Some call it getting to know yourself better others call it personal development. For me it is now mental and physical learning process. As I am a person who never gets tired of learning, it suits me best.

If you feel like it, please do reflect upon this question: 
What is aikido for you? 
and share it with me in a comment.

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