The Warrior's Path

A great course about budo and the history of martial arts held at Dharma Gate Buddhist College in Budapest. The presenters were Szabó Balázs, Szemerei Márton and Abe Tetsushi Sensei.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Silver Toe Ring ♬SALE♬

Hi all! Well yeah, even aikidoka wear jewelry!


I have been thinking a lot of making an online shop, but until then I need some experience. I am thinking more in jewelry and small gadgets like a ladybird USB key and other kawaii stuff. As a start I am experimenting with a Hungarian auctioning site called

Here is what we are talking about

Beauty and Aikido ©

If you are in Hungary and interested in my auctions please check out the first one on the following links:

 You can get the ring for starting from just 1 HUF and place a bid (licit) HERE
You can get one of the more than 15 rings for the price of 600 HUF  HERE

Aikattention! Don't forget to take your jewelry off though before stepping on the mat. It might injure either yourself or your partners. Be on the safe side!

925 Ezüst Lábgyűrű


ÚJ! Bontatlan
Cuki kis ezüst lábgyűrűk.
Tökéletes kiegészítő a nyári ruházathoz.
Masszív, jól állítható, hullámos mintázattal.
Ára csupán 600 Ft.

Élvezd a nyarat trendin!

For what do you shop online? Feel free to share in a comment!

47 Votes


The Voice of Aikido- The Hakama and Its Meaning

The hakama then and now.
From colorful hakamas worn by everyone in the dojo to the status symbol for yudansha into which it has degenerated.
Listen to the voice recording to learn more about this and to find out the meaning of the seven pleats of the hakama.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Party Eye Makeup

Products used:

MaxFactor- Second Skin Foundation 070 Natural
Catrice- Allround Concealer: Beige/Pink/Green
NYX- HD High Definition Eye Shadow Base
NYX- Eyebrow Cake Powder 05 BRUNETTE
Essence- Gel Eyeliner 04 I Love NYC (which I am using as an eyeshadow for the whole lid)
Sonya- Cactus Green Eyeshadow
NYX- Blush PB25 Pinched
MaxFactor- Masterpiece Waterproof Mascara
IsaDora- Brush on Gloss 03 Candy
E.L.F Studo Brushes

My yellow nails are powered by the Catrice nail polish in Bye, Bye Birdy!

Beauty and Aikido ©

E.L.F has got some really cheap and qualitatively good products. You are so lucky to be reading this blog, because I will now share a coupon code that you can use to get a discount.

Just click on it, and enjoy the shopping. It would be great if you let me know what you got in a comment!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

What is Aikido? Beginner Guidelines and FAQ

Reading from the book entitled Best Aikido. The Fundamentals by Kisshomaru and Moriteru Ueshiba. (2002 p.14-19) - Captured Live on Ustream at

Answers to questions like:

  • Why are there no contests in aikido?

  • Will aikido make me strong?

  • Is physical condition such as weight training necessary for aikido?

  • What is the nature of ki in aikido? Is it the same as chi employed in Chinese martial arts?

  • When I watch people practicing aikido they seem to spin around like tops. Can such a movement really be efficient as a martial art technique?

  • During aikido training how much should we resist against the application of a technique?

  • What is the aikido approach to etiquette? (for more about dojo ettiquette here)

  • What is the most important relation between aikido training and everyday life?

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Women's 3/4 Sleeve Cardigan Review - Pixics

In this post, I will be reviewing an item from the online shop Let me just share with you some information about this shop first.

The Pixics Concept

Pixics was founded by husband and wife team, John Kim and Jenny Kim, and built on a foundation of love for anything cool, cute, funny, retro, and nerdy, is an online clothing, accessories, and toys retailer that aims to provide all the stuff you love and at a price that you can afford. They make an effort to not only sell brands that are popular, but to find one of a kind items that can be hard to find else where. As their company grows, they will try to create a community of like minded individuals who can share their thoughts on what direction they want Pixics to go toward. In the end they want to be the online retailer that you're friends with!

Pixics Launch

The Pixics online retail store was opened a month ago, in June and is selling stuff both John and Jenny love. They are gearing their products towards urban fashion that is inspired by basically indie, vintage, retro and geek. Pixics is basically a lifestyle brand and we hand pick items from all over the world and gather it up in one convenient website.

My Review

And now let us take a closer look the the item John has kindly sent for me to review. It is a cardigan sweater that features a 3/4 length puff sleeve with button accents. It is 100% knit elastic cotton. You can find more details about it here. Let's take a closer look to the finishing of this cardigan.

 A sneak peak to the inner sewing

The inner bottom sewing is also a pretty good work

The front buttons

and the sleeve button detail

And now a collage of how it looks like on me worn


You can find them on:

The Voice of Aikido- Mirror of the Spirit: The Aikido Dojo

Another voice recording this time Chapter 17 from The Principles of Aikido by Mitsugi Saotome (1989 p.204-206)

A voice recording about ettiquette in the Dojo. It could be interesting for beginner aikidoka who do not understand how and why they have to behave in a certain manner when while training. It is also a good guideline for those who want to see more in depth the historical background that lead to the development of the dojo etiquette. All in all it is really informative, but enough about my writing and let's hear the wise words of Saotome Sensei.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Yves Rocher Review

I just wanted to share with you some of the items you can at present get at Yves Rocher. What I really needed was a brown eye-pencil. I use that a lot because I consider it more natural looking than a black one. A brown eye-liner is a must for me when it comes to defining your eyes. I also bought some fizzy bath cubes and masques. I loved the two steps purifying treatment masque. It is an item I would surely repurchase. What I would not repurchase is the under eye concealer. It is too orange and a total no go for my skin tone.

List of products:

1. Yves Rocher Luminelle- Kohl Pencil Brown
2. Yves Rocher  Luminelle-  Under Eye Concealer: Middle Beige 51
3. Yves Rocher- Fizzy Bath Cubes: Raspberry, Blackberry and Coconut 20g, 0.7  oz.
4. Yves Rocher Séance Purifying Skin Treatment in 2 steps: 1 with exfoliant cereals, botanical cleansing skin peel, 2. botanical purity film-mask with mint extract
5. Yves Rocher Samples: Flower Party (eau de toilette), Hoggar (eau de toilette), 3D Spa Serum, Inositol (night cream),  Riche (eye cream)
6. Balea- Pore Refining Masque with Zink
7. Dr. Chen Patika- Botanic Extract Facial Mask SPA with Papaya
8. Marc Jacobs Solid Perfume Necklace and Pouch

Chek out my Tumblr.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Women Aikidoka

This is a slideshow of women aikidoka. At the moment I am doing some research on the web about famous female aikidoka. I am also considering interviewing some of them and posting the interviews. Should you have a favorite female aikidoka do not hesitate to let me know who she is in a comment.

The Voice of Aikido


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