The Warrior's Path

A great course about budo and the history of martial arts held at Dharma Gate Buddhist College in Budapest. The presenters were Szabó Balázs, Szemerei Márton and Abe Tetsushi Sensei.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Military History of Japan - The Origin of the Japanese

Hello Dear Readers! 

As you might know, after the Warrior's Path Course that I started taking end of last year, I took up another course called The Military History of Japan. This time the only presenter was Szabó Balázs and we covered a lot of topics from Japanese warfare. The course started with talking about the origins of the Japanese, which caught my interest so I started researching a bit by myself. Then I thought why not put together a presentation with the information I have gathered and share with everyone. So I turned it into a prezi! The prezi is now here for you to watch. Enjoy and let me know in a comment what you think and whether you found it useful!

47 Votes


Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Blogger Friends - Fashionable Finance: The Costs of Trending

Hi Blogger Friends!

I have been mentioning on my blog that I love cooperating with other bloggers and having guest posts. Ella Moss, a blogger friend found me an asked me to share some thoughts about her article. So for those of you who are interested in the financial aspects of fashion industry, I would like to invite you to read her article. I find it is a well documented and neatly structured review of the financial mechanisms behind the fashion industry. She covers topics related to promotion, research and creating, on stage and revivals and wraps up the article with the controversy around cheap fashion. I invite you to read her article more in depth and share your opinions about it here or on the website where she has posted it.

Excerpt from Fashionable Finance: The Costs of Trending by Ella Moss

Fashion enjoys a vast world of inventiveness and diversity, exploring new trends and redefining identities, but this creativity doesn't come cheap! We investigate the cost of keeping on trend.
Woman Shopping
Fashion has a deeply integrated relationship with commerce and capital and have introduced new spheres of ingenuity through marketing and setting cultural trends.
This compels not only designers but schools of PR teams to establish the latest brand on the wave of a social shift in style.
But what about the cost of these new waves and revivals, and how do they impact on the greater public?


Also I would like to remind you that if you are a blogger, a martial artist wishing to share an article about their dojo or a female aikidoka who would like to share her thoughts on how it is to be a woman in aikido feel free to contact me any time.

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Presenting Aikido Dojos - Aikido Circle Budapest

Hi Everyone!

If you are a foreigner living in Budapest, you might have difficulty in finding a dojo where the teaching goes on in English. So here is one dojo where the instructor Keni Lynch is holding the training in English. He has contacted me a while ago and I am planning to make an interview some time soon with his wife for the Women in Aikido section of my blog. Her name is Marti Balla, I already talked to her on phone, she is a lovely person, so stay tuned for that. Until then, there is a great offer out here for you!


Aikido Classes in English. Sign up anytime before the 16th of June and get one month training for a 75% discount.  Send us a text message or call us to secure your place.  Only a few cards left, so be quick!



Thursday, June 5, 2014

MinsGame - Get Rid of Your Excess Stuff!

While I was having lunch with one of my good friends last week, she told me she found a really interesting webpage where people were talking about a minimalist lifestyle. I checked the minimalists also and found they were making some very good points. The more I read, the more attracted I got to the idea. Some of you might remember the post about my night stand.

I can see a lot of beauty in simplicity and empty spaces. I have always tended towards minimalism, but of course at the same time I still have the tendency to hoard things. Many times I keep things in a drawer or cupboard and never take a look if I really need them. Sounds familiar? Like most of us I also have my fits when I go through my stuff and throw out a lot of things I don't need. Usually this is a radical and tiring whole day event. But what about doing it slowly, making a habit of looking at things this way? The MinsGame provokes you to do that. Every day, you have to throw out or give away a number of things equal to the date of the month: one item on the first, two items on the second and so on. You can also challenge your friends. I decided to start this game with my hair stylist and blogger friend, Bella. Me message each other almost every day and send the picture of the things we got rid of that day.

I post the stuff I am getting rid of on my Twitter every morning around 7 o'clock CET. I think it is a good way to start the day. There is a whole community there playing the #MinsGame. It's really fun to see how others progress and to encourage each other.This week is still going smooth, but I will for sure need some inspiration and determination to keep it up until the end of the month!

Do you think this game is fun? Would you join? Let me know in a comment!

The Voice of Aikido


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