Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Blogger Friends - Fashionable Finance: The Costs of Trending

Hi Blogger Friends!

I have been mentioning on my blog that I love cooperating with other bloggers and having guest posts. Ella Moss, a blogger friend found me an asked me to share some thoughts about her article. So for those of you who are interested in the financial aspects of fashion industry, I would like to invite you to read her article. I find it is a well documented and neatly structured review of the financial mechanisms behind the fashion industry. She covers topics related to promotion, research and creating, on stage and revivals and wraps up the article with the controversy around cheap fashion. I invite you to read her article more in depth and share your opinions about it here or on the website where she has posted it.

Excerpt from Fashionable Finance: The Costs of Trending by Ella Moss

Fashion enjoys a vast world of inventiveness and diversity, exploring new trends and redefining identities, but this creativity doesn't come cheap! We investigate the cost of keeping on trend.
Woman Shopping
Fashion has a deeply integrated relationship with commerce and capital and have introduced new spheres of ingenuity through marketing and setting cultural trends.
This compels not only designers but schools of PR teams to establish the latest brand on the wave of a social shift in style.
But what about the cost of these new waves and revivals, and how do they impact on the greater public?


Also I would like to remind you that if you are a blogger, a martial artist wishing to share an article about their dojo or a female aikidoka who would like to share her thoughts on how it is to be a woman in aikido feel free to contact me any time.
47 Votes



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