The Warrior's Path

A great course about budo and the history of martial arts held at Dharma Gate Buddhist College in Budapest. The presenters were Szabó Balázs, Szemerei Márton and Abe Tetsushi Sensei.

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Martial Arts in the West


Recently, a good friend of mine has shared with me an article written by Ellis Amdur about martial arts in the west: Koryu Meets the West. The article provoked a set of different reactions in me. When I started I was like...allright...another long elaboration on martial arts...let's see...huh? wait...he is making a point...oh! interesting! oh, he is so honest, oh! he is funny. Hahhaaaa laughing loud. Then a serious tone, touching words and an even more touching way of wrapping up the article. I have not read such a colorful and good article in a long time. Maybe this first read entertained me, but in the same time there are a lot of things I took away from his text.


47 Votes


Tuesday, July 29, 2014



On this blog talk a lot about the beauty of the skin, hair, etc. In this post I would like to talk a little bit about the importance of keeping your teeth healthy. At first sight it might sound trivial. Of course you brush your teeth daily, more times a day. I also thought that it was enough and fine. But sometimes this is not enough. In my case, the dentist advised me that I should change my routine to the following steps:
  • Brush
  • Floss
  • Mouthwash
Brushing should be not the usual two seconds, I know we all do it to be over it, but the more thorough and focused brushing. Make sure to reach all teeth. The flossing is important for me because there is little space between my teeth where remaining food can get stuck. The mouth water in the last step not only prevents bad breath but also offers a longer protection to the cavity and gums.

So keep on smiling, beauties!

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

How I Quit my Job to go to Japan

Hi Everyone!

I have some happy news to share with you. I have been planning for a long time to go to Japan to study more in depth about budo. For a long time it seemed like a wild dream, but when I have made the final decision to pursue my goal and talked to the right people, things started working out. Everyone has been really helpful around me. Old teachers whom I have not talked to for more then 5 years helped me with recommendation letters. Even my boss at work wrote a nice recommendation letter so I can apply for a scholarship. So I got accepted to Tsukuba University and will study about budo and practice aikido there. I am really happy right now, and hope that things will continue to work out just right. I have about one more week at my workplace and then I am free to prepare for the trip. Will be flying to Japan in mid September. Stay tuned for more awesome stories! I will keep active on my blog and share my experiences.

The Voice of Aikido


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