Tuesday, July 22, 2014

How I Quit my Job to go to Japan

Hi Everyone!

I have some happy news to share with you. I have been planning for a long time to go to Japan to study more in depth about budo. For a long time it seemed like a wild dream, but when I have made the final decision to pursue my goal and talked to the right people, things started working out. Everyone has been really helpful around me. Old teachers whom I have not talked to for more then 5 years helped me with recommendation letters. Even my boss at work wrote a nice recommendation letter so I can apply for a scholarship. So I got accepted to Tsukuba University and will study about budo and practice aikido there. I am really happy right now, and hope that things will continue to work out just right. I have about one more week at my workplace and then I am free to prepare for the trip. Will be flying to Japan in mid September. Stay tuned for more awesome stories! I will keep active on my blog and share my experiences.
47 Votes



  1. Years ago you shared people’s tweets in Beauty and Aikido. I was one of those people. I hope that you are doing well and still practicing Aikido.


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The Voice of Aikido


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