Sunday, July 3, 2011

Yves Rocher Review

I just wanted to share with you some of the items you can at present get at Yves Rocher. What I really needed was a brown eye-pencil. I use that a lot because I consider it more natural looking than a black one. A brown eye-liner is a must for me when it comes to defining your eyes. I also bought some fizzy bath cubes and masques. I loved the two steps purifying treatment masque. It is an item I would surely repurchase. What I would not repurchase is the under eye concealer. It is too orange and a total no go for my skin tone.

List of products:

1. Yves Rocher Luminelle- Kohl Pencil Brown
2. Yves Rocher  Luminelle-  Under Eye Concealer: Middle Beige 51
3. Yves Rocher- Fizzy Bath Cubes: Raspberry, Blackberry and Coconut 20g, 0.7  oz.
4. Yves Rocher Séance Purifying Skin Treatment in 2 steps: 1 with exfoliant cereals, botanical cleansing skin peel, 2. botanical purity film-mask with mint extract
5. Yves Rocher Samples: Flower Party (eau de toilette), Hoggar (eau de toilette), 3D Spa Serum, Inositol (night cream),  Riche (eye cream)
6. Balea- Pore Refining Masque with Zink
7. Dr. Chen Patika- Botanic Extract Facial Mask SPA with Papaya
8. Marc Jacobs Solid Perfume Necklace and Pouch

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47 Votes



  1. Wow you bought so many awesome products! :)

    The Cat Hag

  2. Wow! Great choice of beauty products. Jealous! :-)

    Maryjane xoxo

  3. Hi girls!

    Thanks for commenting! In the mean while I also bought the cereal exfoliant in a tube, because I liked it so much.


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