Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Silver Toe Ring ♬SALE♬

Hi all! Well yeah, even aikidoka wear jewelry!


I have been thinking a lot of making an online shop, but until then I need some experience. I am thinking more in jewelry and small gadgets like a ladybird USB key and other kawaii stuff. As a start I am experimenting with a Hungarian auctioning site called

Here is what we are talking about

Beauty and Aikido ©

If you are in Hungary and interested in my auctions please check out the first one on the following links:

 You can get the ring for starting from just 1 HUF and place a bid (licit) HERE
You can get one of the more than 15 rings for the price of 600 HUF  HERE

Aikattention! Don't forget to take your jewelry off though before stepping on the mat. It might injure either yourself or your partners. Be on the safe side!

925 Ezüst Lábgyűrű


ÚJ! Bontatlan
Cuki kis ezüst lábgyűrűk.
Tökéletes kiegészítő a nyári ruházathoz.
Masszív, jól állítható, hullámos mintázattal.
Ára csupán 600 Ft.

Élvezd a nyarat trendin!

For what do you shop online? Feel free to share in a comment!

47 Votes


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