Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Hair Extensions: Yes or No?

Love this youtuber's video about hair extensions. It pretty much makes me want to get some also. What are your experiences with hair extensions? Is it messy to have them and wear them? I would only wear them at parties of occasions. Still need to check the best places where you can get natural looking extensions. If you have any tips just let me know in a comment! I was considering online purchase but you never know if it matches your actual natural hair color. 
47 Votes



  1. Very nice video and I completely agree. I love hair extensions but many people don't like without any reason.


  2. :) yeah, some think it is too artificial...but I guess you just have to find the right extensions and then it can look amazing!

  3. Well different people have different opinion on this hair extension but what i think they really are great to improve your looks and make experiments with your look and for those who have short hairs and wish ti have long one it's really helpful.


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